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Portal - Overview

What can administrators and users use the essensys portal for? | Understanding | About | User | Admin

Written by essensys Authoring
Updated over a week ago

Your portal is a "self-service" tool that lets you manage user and occupier details. Portal users can manage their own profile and raise support cases. Occupier admins (users with additional access rights within the portal), can also manage data for the other users that share the same occupier, and can connect shared Wi-Fi devices to the occupier network.

Occupier admins

Occupier admins are employees of the occupier who can manage their own details, details of other users, and details relating to the occupier as a whole. They are able to:

In addition to the preceding user tasks, the occupier admin is also able to:

Occupier users

Occupier users are also employees of the occupier, but these users can only manage their own details using the portal. They are able to:

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