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Portal - Admin - User management

How do I create and manage portal and mobile app users? | occupier admin | new user |

Written by essensys Authoring
Updated over a year ago

If you are an occupier admin, you can view and manage user details in the portal. This includes your own user details.

You can create users and also edit the following details:

  • Basic user details. You can update the basic user details for yourself and other users with the same occupier.

  • Wi-Fi account details. You can create, activate, deactivate, or update the details of the user's Wi-Fi Secure account. Note: This account is used to connect private devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

  • User account details. You can invite the user to use the portal or mobile app as either a user or admin (role).

  • User telephony details. You can update the phone number features for your users if they have been assigned a phone number.

You can also delete users, but not occupier admins. Deleting a user is permanent and cannot be reversed.

User management tasks

View user details

  1. From the main menu, click User management.
    The User management page opens. A list of your occupier users is shown in the main editor. For details, see User management page.
    Tip: You can filter the list of users by typing part or all of the username or email address into the search field to the top-right of the list.

  2. To view more details for a particular user, click a row.
    The User details page opens for the selected user. For details, see User details.

Add a new user

Create a new occupier admin or occupier user. Set up basic details and, optionally, create a Wi-Fi account and User account.

  1. From the User management page, click Add a user.
    The Add a user page opens.

  2. Supply the basic user details for the user in the top section of the page.
    For details, see User details.

  3. Optionally, set up the occupier user's Wi-Fi account.
    If this option is enabled, the user is invited by email to connect their private devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network. For details, see Wi-Fi account.

  4. Optionally, set up a User account to allow the occupier user to access the portal or mobile app.
    If either or both of the "Send invite..." options are selected, the user is invited by email to access the portal, the mobile app, or both. For details, see User accounts.
    Tip: The selected role determines whether the new user can edit only their own details (user) or their own details and the details of other users with the same occupier (admin).

  5. Click Add user.

The occupier user is created. If Wi-Fi account and user accounts are created, the user receives invitation emails to connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network and portal or mobile app.

Note: If you want to assign a phone number to this user, see Telephony.

Edit an existing user

  1. Make the user details editable:

    • If you are on the user management page (list view), hover over the row that represents your user to show the Action buttons. Click Edit.

    • If you are on the user details page for your user, click Edit user details at the top-right of the page.

  2. Update the user details as required.
    For details of these options, see User details. Note the following:

    • You cannot edit a user's email address after their account has been created.

    • If the user has an assigned phone number, you can manage their phone number features in this view.
      For details of the settings, see Phone number features.

    • If the user already has an active Wi-Fi account, you can deactivate that account, which temporarily blocks their access to the Wi-Fi Secure network. You can also update the user's homesite and concurrent devices.
      If the user does not have a Wi-Fi account, you can create a new Wi-Fi account for them.

    • If the user is already invited to use the portal and mobile app, you cannot change their details.
      If not, you can invite them to use the portal or mobile app.
      Tip: If the user has an account but has not yet signed into their portal or mobile app, you can resend their invite to use the portal or mobile app from the read-only view.

  3. Once you have finished updating the user details, click Save changes.

Delete a user

You can only delete occupier users, not occupier admins. Deleting a user is permanent and cannot be reversed.

  1. Delete the user:

    • If you are on the user management page (list view), hover over the row that represents your user to show the Action buttons. Click Delete.

    • If you are on the user details page for your user, click Delete user at the top-right of the page.

  2. If you are sure you want to delete the user, click Delete user in the confirmation dialog box.

The user is permanently deleted.

User management page (List view)

This table describes only those fields that are specific to this view. Other fields are described in the View / Edit user details pages. See User details.



Filter users

The search field at the top-right filters the list to include only those users whose name or email includes the searched value.

Note: The filter applies as you type.

Add a user

Click to create a new user. This opens the Add a user page.

User role

The type of user. This is one of:

  • User

  • Admin

For more information about the different types of portal user, see Portal - Overview.

  • Phone number

  • Extension

Telephony only.

If essensys manages Telephony for you, the phone number and extension fields describe the details for any assigned phones.

Note: If your user has not been assigned a phone number, the Phone number field reads "Not assigned".

Wi-Fi Access


  • ACTIVE - The user can connect to Wi-Fi Secure network.

  • NO ACCOUNT - No Wi-Fi account is created for this user. They cannot connect to Wi-Fi Secure.

  • DEACTIVATED - The user has a Wi-Fi account, but cannot currently connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

User accounts

The status of the user account for accessing portal and mobile app:

  • AWAITING VALIDATION - The user account has been created, but the user has not yet signed in to either the portal or the mobile app.

  • NOT INVITED - No user account has been created for this user.

  • VALIDATED - The user account has been created and the user has signed in to the portal or mobile app for the first time.


Hover over a row to show the editing options for a user:

  • Edit user.

  • Delete user.

The delete option is not available where the row represents an admin user. You cannot delete an admin user in the portal.

User details (view, edit, delete, or add a user)

Buttons (Top-right)




Add user

Save your changes when adding a user.

Note: Only enabled once all mandatory fields are filled and all values are valid.

Add a user

Edit user details

Update the details of the currently visible user.

User details (view)

Delete user

Permanently delete the currently visible user.


  • This option cannot be reversed.

  • You cannot delete an admin user in the portal.

User details (view)


Abandon your changes and return to the details view.

Add a user

Edit user

User details



First name

The user's first name.

Last name

The user's last name.


Contact mobile number for this user.

Direct line

Contact land line number for this user.


The user's unique email address.

Note: This value cannot be edited after creation.

Job title

The user's job title. This value is recorded for information only.


The language that the portal will be displayed in by default.


If essensys manages Telephony for you, and this user has been assigned a phone number, you can edit the details for any assigned phones.

For more information about the editable details for this phone number, see Phone number features.

Wi-Fi account

Where a Wi-Fi account is present and in the ACTIVE state, the user can connect their private devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network. For more details, see Connect your devices to Wi-Fi.



Wi-Fi access (edit view):

  • Create a Wi-Fi account

  • Deactivate Wi-Fi account

  • Click Create a Wi-Fi account to invite this user to connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network.
    Note: This option is only shown if the user does not have a Wi-Fi account.

  • Click Deactivate Wi-Fi account to temporarily disable Wi-Fi Secure access for this user.
    Note: This option is only available when the Wi-Fi account is in the ACTIVE state.

Status (read-only view)

The current status of the Wi-Fi account. See User management page (list view).


The site that this user typically connects to the Wi-Fi Secure network at.

Concurrent device limit

The number of devices that can be concurrently connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network as this user.

Note: Once the user has reached the concurrent device limit, any further attempt to access Wi-Fi Secure as this user fails.

User accounts



Access (read-only view)

See state details in User management page (list view).


  • Admin

  • User

The role that this user account has when accessing the essensys occupier experience apps:

  • Admin - This user can manage the details of other users with the same occupier.

  • User - This user can manage their own details, but not details of other users.


  • Send invite to join portal

  • Invited

  • Resend invite

The state of this user's invitation to access the portal.

  • Send invite to join portal - This user has not been invited to access the portal. Select this option to invite the user to use the portal.

  • Invited - This user has been invited to join the portal.

  • Resend invite - Click to resend the invitation email to this user. This option is only shown if the user has been invited, but has not yet signed in to the portal. It is also only shown in the read-only view.

Mobile app:

  • Send invite to join app

  • Invited

  • Resend invite

The state of this user's invitation to access the mobile app.

The possible options are the same as for the portal.

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