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Portal - Admin - Wi-Fi devices

How do I create Wi-Fi devices for my occupiers? | Wi-Fi devices | Printers, Personal Assistants | WiFi Device | WiFi MAC | Shared devices

Written by essensys Authoring
Updated over a week ago

Set up your shared devices; printers, personal assistants, and so on; and then connect them to the Wi-Fi device network (usually called WiFi Device or WiFi MAC).

Tip: If you want to connect private devices (your laptop or mobile) to the Wi-Fi, you need to connect them to the Wi-Fi Secure network. For more information, see Connect to Wi-Fi Secure.

Important: Depending on your agreement with your operator, some or all of your Wi-Fi devices may have already been set up on your behalf as part of on-boarding.

Add and connect a Wi-Fi device

Important: To connect a shared device to the Wi-Fi device network, you need to do both of the following:

  1. Add the Wi-Fi device details to your portal.

  2. Connect the device to the Wi-Fi device network.

The following process describes both steps. You can perform the steps in either order, but you will only be able to make use of your shared device once both steps are complete.

  1. From the main menu, click Wi-Fi devices.
    The Wi-Fi devices page opens. A list of devices is displayed in the main view. Tip: Check that the device that you want to connect is not already in this list.

  2. Add the device.

    1. Click Add a device.

    2. Specify the details for your device as described in Add a device.

    3. Click Add device.

      The device is added in the PROVISIONING state, and will be enabled and ready to connect to the network within a short period.
      ​Tip: You may need to refresh the page to see the device changing to the ENABLED state.

  3. Connect the device.
    Once you've added your device and it is in the ENABLED state, you need to connect it to the Wi-Fi device network.
    ​Tip: If you do not know how to connect your device to a wireless network, you should consult the help materials from the device manufacturer.
    The details that you need from essensys are as follows:

    • The essensys Wi-Fi device network that you need to connect to will be one of:

      • WiFi Device

      • WiFi MAC

    • If your network is called "WiFi Device", you need to enter the Wi-Fi device password. For instructions, see View the Wi-Fi device password.

    • If your network is called "WiFi MAC", you do not need a password to connect.
      The MAC address is effectively the password for this type of connection.
      ​Note: You may get some warnings about the connection being insecure, this is normal as the network doesn't have a password.

  4. Once the Wi-Fi device is added and connected to the network, you should test that you can use it.

View the Wi-Fi device password

View the password that you should use when connecting your device to the Wi-Fi Device network.

From the Device list in the Wi-Fi devices page:

  1. From the row that represents your device, hover over the Actions column. Click Show password for device.
    The password is shown in a drop-down window.

  2. Optionally, click the Copy button alongside the password. This copies the password to your clipboard.

From the Wi-Fi device details page for a specific device:

  1. At the bottom of the page is a Wi-Fi device password field, click View Wi-Fi password to unmask the password.

  2. Optionally, click the Copy button alongside the password to copy the password to your clipboard.

You now have the password that you will need to supply when connecting this device to the Wi-Fi device network.

Wi-Fi devices

Wi-Fi devices (Device list)

Note: The preceding image shows how a single device appears when the user hovers over the row.




The site the shared device is located at.

Wi-Fi device name

The full name of the device.
​Note: This should be recognizable to the users of the device.

Wi-Fi device description

This is a long-form description, typically indicating what type of device this is.

MAC address

The MAC address for the device.

Every device will have a MAC address. This is normally printed on the device but may also be found in the device's settings.

Wi-Fi access

The current state of the device. Must be ENABLED for you to be able to use the device.


  • Delete

  • Edit

  • Show password

  • Click Delete to delete the device. Once deleted, you will no longer be able to use the device on the network.

  • Click Edit to update the device details.

  • Click Show password to view the password for connecting the device to the Wi-Fi device network.

Add a device

Add a new shared device to the essensys Platform, so that you can connect it to the Wi-Fi device network for use.

Fields that are different from Wi-Fi devices (Device list):




Close the edit page, do not create your Wi-Fi device details or save your changes.

Add device

Save your changes. Add your new Wi-Fi device.

Wi-Fi device details

Fields that are different from Wi-Fi devices (Device list):



  • Back

  • Delete device

  • Edit device

Click Back to return to the preceding page.

Click Delete device to delete the device whose details are currently visible in the page.

Click Edit device to update the details for the device.

Wi-Fi device password:

  • Masked value

  • Unmask value

  • Copy to clipboard

If your Wi-Fi device network is called "WiFi Device", you need to enter the Wi-Fi device password to be able to connect to the Wi-Fi.

By default, the value is masked by asterisks (*).

  • To view the unmasked password value, click the unmask icon.

  • To copy the password to your clipboard, click the copy to clipboard icon.

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