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Portal - Support

How do I raise and monitor support cases? | Support | Cases | Issues

Written by essensys Authoring
Updated over 2 years ago

If you are experiencing technical issues with the essensys Platform, your essensys network, your services, or if you simply have a question that you want us to answer, you can raise support cases direct from your portal. Once raised, these support cases are monitored and handled by essensys, and you can add comments and attachments as and when you need to.

Tip: Before you raise a support case, you may want to:

  • Talk to your occupier admin (if you are an occupier user) to see if they know how to resolve your issue.

  • Investigate whether you can resolve your issue yourself, with the help of the knowledge base.

Support Tasks

You can use the Support page in your portal to:

  1. Update support cases. Provide additional information (comments and attachments) for cases that are already in progress.

View support cases (Open Support page)

Open the Support page and review cases or check on their progress.

  1. From the main menu, click Support.
    The Support page opens. A list of all of the support cases raised by this occupier is displayed in the main editor.

  2. Optionally, filter or search the cases using the controls at the top-right of the page.
    For more details, see Search and Filter.
    ​Important: The filters apply cumulatively, meaning that if you pick a site and then "my cases", you will see your cases at the selected site only.


  • If any description takes up more than the space available, it is truncated and an ellipsis (...) is displayed. Hover your cursor over the ellipsis to view the full description.

  • To view more details of an open case, or to add comments or attachments, click on the row representing the case to open its details.

Raise a new case with support

Log a new case with essensys support.

  1. From the Support page, click New case.
    The New support case page opens. For details, see New support case.

  2. Specify the details of your case.
    You need to indicate which site your case relates to, categorize the case by selecting options from the Case area and Case reason drop-down lists, and describe the case in full in the Subject and Description fields.
    ​Tip: The Subject is the first information seen by another user, and is used for text searches of the cases. It is, therefore, very important to ensure that it is clear and concise.

  3. Click New case.

The new case is raised. The support team at essensys are notified, and will respond to your case within the times agreed in your SLA.

Tip: You might want to add attachments or more details after your case is created. For instructions, see Update support cases.

Update support cases (comment and add attachments)

  1. From the Support page, click the row representing your case.
    The Support case details page opens. You can see all details in full on this page, including any comments and their attachments.

  2. Add your new comment:

    1. Type your comment into the text field at the bottom of the page.

    2. If you also want to add an attachment, click the paperclip, and then select the file that you want to add.

    3. Once the text and file are specified, click Add comment.

Your comment and links to any attached files are added. These additional details can be seen by other portal users, and by essensys.

Support details

Support page (list view)

Search and Filter




Click to refresh the view and show any new cases.

Site filter:

  • All sites (default)

  • <site name>

Select to either view cases associated with any site (all sites) or cases associated with a particular site (select the site name).

Case filter:

  • Open cases (default)

  • Closed cases

  • My cases

  • All cases

Select to view one of the following:

  • All cases that are in one of the open states (for example, cases that are classified as new). These cases are all in progress.

  • Cases that have been resolved and set into the closed state.

  • Cases where you, the currently signed in user, are the contact (my cases).

  • All cases.


Search the cases by the text in their subject field.

New case

Click to raise a new support case. This button opens the New support case page.

Individual cases

This table describes only those fields that are specific to the list view. Other fields are described in the New support case page. See New support case.



Case ID

The ID for the case. Use this to refer to the case when communicating with essensys.

Date Created

The date and time when the case was created.

Next Action

The group or individual responsible for performing the next action.

For example, a new case is initially assigned to essensys for investigation.

New support case

This page is used to log problem cases or questions for the essensys team on behalf of yourself or your colleagues.




The site that the case relates to.


The name and email address of the contact for the case.

When you are creating a case, this is the currently signed in user.

Case area

The area that the case affects.

Case reason

This reason for this case being logged.


The short name or subject of the case.

A summary of the issue.

Tip: The Subject is the first information seen by another user, and is used for text searches of the cases. It is, therefore, very important to make sure that it is clear and concise.


The full description for the case.
The description needs to be enough information for essensys to be able to resolve the case, so think about the type of information that you supply to us.
​Example: If you are reporting an issue with your internet connection at a particular site, make sure that the description contains the nature of the issue, your occupier name (if you are experiencing the issue), the date and time of the issue, the connection type, the site, and any other information that could be useful.

Note: You may also want to save any screenshots or correspondence related to the issue. You can add these comments and attachments to the case after it has been created.

Support case details



Comment field

Type your additional information into the comment field.

Add attachment

Click Add attachment to attach a file or screen shot to the comment.

Add comment

Click Add comment to add your comment to the case.

Adding a comment associates it, and any attachments associated with it, with the existing case.

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