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If you are an occupier user whose sites are powered by essensys, you may be able to use the mobile app or portal to self-serve your own, and your team’s, details.
Get started
Get started at your sites. Connect your devices to the Wi-Fi network and sign in to your occupier experience apps for the first time.
Get started - Connect your devices to Wi-FiHow do I connect my devices to the Wi-Fi network at my site?
Get started - Sign in to the Portal (First time)How do I sign in to my portal for the first time? | Portal | Invitation email | Self-service | Experience
Get started - Sign in to the Mobile app (First time)How do I sign in to my mobile app for the first time? | Mobile app | iOS | Apple | Invitation email | Self-service | Experience
Your Portal
Use your portal to manage your own profile, raise support cases, monitor bandwidth usage, and, if you are an admin user, to manage the users, Wi-Fi devices, and telephony across your sites.
Portal - OverviewWhat can administrators and users use the essensys portal for? | Understanding | About | User | Admin
Portal - SupportHow do I raise and monitor support cases? | Support | Cases | Issues
Portal - My profileHow do I update my own user details? | Name | Telephony | Wi-Fi Account | User Account (portal and app)
Portal - Admin - Reports - Bandwidth usageHow do I analyse the bandwidth usage at my sites? | Upload | Download | Summary | Application | IP Breakdown
Portal - Admin - Reports - CallsHow do I report on the calls received by and made on occupier phones? | Admin | Inbound / Outbound | Type | Metric | Phone numbers
Portal - Admin - User managementHow do I create and manage portal and mobile app users? | occupier admin | new user |
Portal - Admin -Telephony - Phone numbersHow do I configure the telephony settings for my users? | Assign user | Set extension features | Log in to handset | Label phone number |
Your Mobile App
Use your mobile app to book and access spaces across your sites.
Mobile app - My bookingsHow do I book a space (room or floor) at one of my sites using the mobile app? | Book a space | Space type | Site | Terms and…
Mobile app - My profileHow do I update my own user details? | Mobile app | Contact details | Job title | User Account (app) | Sign out | App version |
Mobile app - My settingsHow do I disable push notifications? | How do I update my mobile app to the latest version?
Mobile app - Sign outHow do I sign out of my mobile app? | My profile